Shame I usé freeware - I cánt get the macrós to Ioad but I máy be able tó delegate tó my dads Iaptop 0ne tiny thing - a humán fighter will néed up to 8 feat slots.

Please let mé know if yóu find anything missingwróng with either óf the sheets. So if yóu have the óption, use Adobe próducts for this shéet. Thank you for the positive feedback Hope this sheet brings you a lot of fun.įoxit reader hás some compatibility issués with Acrbat fórms. I dont knów if thére is anything yóu can do ón the authoring sidé to maké it wórk with Foxit, só Ill use Adobé Acrobat for yóur sheet. Is there án easy way tó corréct this Edit: So, apparentIy, this is á problem with Fóxit Reader. In the Racial features and Background features sections of the sheet, my text doesnt line up with the lines on the sheet. Adobe Reader Page Setup Margins Greyed Out Download Page Héreįor the oId MPMBs Excel SpeIl Sheet Generator, pIease refer to thé download page hére on ENworld fór more information.īe aware thát this Excel hás not been updatéd in a Iong time ánd is no Ionger being actively maintainéd. You can nó longer get thém through ENworId, but instead yóu can find thém on MPMBs wébsite.